Q. Why does the Foster Parent Advisory Board (FAB) exist?

A. To improve recruitment and retention of foster homes, create space for foster parents to be heard and understood in new ways, and help build better pathways for communication.

Q. Does Monroe County really need the FAB?

A. Yes! The number of licensed foster homes (and filled county staff positions for that matter) are at a critical low. Advocating for healthy relationships between staff and foster parents benefits kids in care and helps promote retention of both foster homes and staff. While rewarding, both roles require messy and complicated work with high turnover rates. The more we understand each other, the more impactful we can be.

Q. Does the FAB have a strategy to make real change?

A. YES! We believe that improving communication, collaboration, and culture between county staff and foster homes will make a way for better sustainability for caseworkers and foster parents. We know that our child protective system benefits from experienced staff and foster parents... so we want to keep both around! We work stretegically to find strength based solutions to simple and complex problems within our county.

Q. What does Strength Based mean?

A. If you have experience with any child protection system, you know things get messy quick! We acknowledge the complex reality of our system and perservere with its flaws and quirks. We work toward making it the best it can be one solution (or two, or three) at a time and focus our effort toward areas we know we can make positive change, because our kids need our systems best.

Q. Who is on the FAB?

A. Between 12-15 foster parents serve terms on the board, along with 2 county administrators, 2 supervisors, and 1 Metrix marketing representative. Additionally, The FAB has subcomittees with additional foster parents, county staff, and county contracted providers joining in the work.

Q. What are FAB Subcommittees?

A. The FAB operates with Subcommittees that work like focus groups on specific areas that impact foster homes and the children in their care. Current subcommittees include: Health, Transportation, Visitation, and Forms/Communication

Q. Can I be a Board Member?

A. Foster parents or county staff interested in serving a term on the FAB are encouraged to email fosterparentab@gmail.com It takes a village! If there isn't a position currenly open on the FAB there is likely a way to contribute your expertise to find solutions within one of the FAB subcommittees.